Q: What is the purpose of having a neighborhood association?

A: An association provides a forum for residents to come together to discuss issues, ideas and problems, find solutions, and to get to know one another.

Q. Why should I have to pay dues to be a member?

A: Everyone who serves on the board does so as a volunteer. Dues monies are used to cover expenses, such as for signs, mail-outs, web site costs, meeting space, and social events.

Q: How can I become involved in my association?

A: Attend quarterly meetings and volunteer for special events such as neighborhood clean ups, socials, delivering flyers, and helping your area representative get the word out about issues and events.

Q: Will the association help on zoning and planning issues at city hall?

A: The GMENA Board will review all zoning issues that come before the Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment that concern our area, consult with neighbors affected and speak out at meetings.

Q: How can I pay dues?